The torrential rains that have plagued Australia since last November have left devastation in their wake as rivers overflowed their banks across much of that country's northwestern region.  Yet another monster storm over the past few days has caused the Brisbane River to send a 26 foot wall of water, which government officials have dubbed an "inland instant tsunami", through the city of Toowoomba, killing twelve people.  The flood waters have begun to enter Brisbane itself, and yesterday residents there streamed out of skyscrapers and other workplaces as they heard about the fate of Toowoomba so they could go home and prepare for the coming flood.  People began to move their belongings to upper floors and even their rooftops, and many left Brisbane for higher ground.  The city's power company has begun cutting off electricity to parts of the area to avoid people getting electrocuted.  Damage from the floods so far is estimated at over $5 billion, and more than a few people are voicing the opinion that this may be part of the world-ending scenario said to have been forecast by the Mayans long ago.